Freddie Starr Ate My File ! Finding out exactly what the Oracle Filewatcher is up to

As useful as they undoubtedly are, any use of a DBMS_SCHEDULER File Watchers in Oracle is likely to involve a number of moving parts.
This can make trying to track down issues feel a bit like being on a hamster wheel.
Fortunately, you can easily find out just exactly what the filewatcher is up to, if you know where to look …

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If you think I’m geeky, you should meet my friend.

I’d like to talk about a very good friend of mine.
Whilst he’s much older than me ( 11 or 12 weeks at least), we do happen to share interests common to programmers of a certain vintage.

About a year ago, he became rather unwell.
Since then, whenever I’ve gone to visit, I’ve taken care to wear something that’s particular to our friendship and/or appropriately geeky.

At one point, when things were looking particularly dicey, I promised him, that whilst “Captain Scarlet” was already taken, if he came through he could pick any other colour he liked.
As a life-long Luton Town fan, his choice was somewhat inevitable.
So then, what follows – through the medium of Geeky T-shirts – is a portrait of my mate Simon The Indestructable Captain Orange…

Continue reading “If you think I’m geeky, you should meet my friend.”

Using the APEX_DATA_EXPORT package directly from PL/SQL

As Data Warehouse developers, there is frequently a need for us to produce user reports in a variety of formats (ok, Excel).
Often these reports are the output of processes running as part of an unattended batch.
In the past I’ve written about some of the solutions out there for creating csv files and, of course Excel.

The good news is that, since APEX 20.2, Oracle provides the ability to do this out-of-the-box by means of the APEX_DATA_EXPORT PL/SQL package.
The catch is that you need to have an active APEX session to call it.
Which means you need to have an APEX application handy.

Fortunately, it is possible to initiate an APEX session and call this package without going anywhere near the APEX UI itself, as you’ll see shortly.

Specfically what we’ll cover is :

  • generating comma-separated (CSV) output
  • generating an XLSX file
  • using the ADD_AGGREGATE procedure to add a summary
  • using the ADD_HIGHLIGHT procedure to apply conditional formatting
  • using the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function to apply document-wide styling

Additionally, we’ll explore how to create a suitable APEX Application from a script if one is not already available.

Incidentally, the scripts in this post can be found in this Github Repo.

Before I go any further, I should acknowledge the work of Amirreza Rastandeh, who’s LinkedIn article inspired this post.

A quick word on the Environment I used in these examples – it’s an Oracle supplied VirtualBox appliance running Oracle 23c Free Database and APEX 22.2.

Continue reading “Using the APEX_DATA_EXPORT package directly from PL/SQL”

Pi-Eyed and Clueless – Adventures with Board and Flash Drive

Since setting up my Raspberry Pi as a Plex Media Server a few years ago, the reliable application of Moore’s Law has brought us to a point where a humble USB flash drive now has sufficient capacity to cope with all of my media files and then some.
Therefore, I felt it was probably time to retire the powered external HDD that had been doing service as storage and replace it with a nice, compact stick.

Existing Setup
…to new setup in 3 easy steps ( and several hard ones)

The Pi in question is a Pi3 and is running Raspbian 11 (Bullseye).
The main consideration here was that I wanted to ensure that the new storage was visible to Plex from the same location as before so that I didn’t have to go through the rigmarole of validating and correcting all of the metadata that Plex retrieves for each media file ( Movie details etc).

Having copied the relevant files from the HDD to the new Flash Drive, I was ready to perform this “simple” admin task.
The steps to accomplish this are set out below.

Also detailed are some of the issues I ran into and how I managed to solve them, just in case you’ve stumbled across this post in a desparate search for a solution to your beloved fruit-based computer having turned into a slice of Brick Pi. In fact, let’s start with…

Continue reading “Pi-Eyed and Clueless – Adventures with Board and Flash Drive”

Using STANDARD_HASH to generate synthetic key values

In Oracle, identity columns are a perfect way of generating a synthetic key value as the underlying sequence will automatically provide you with a unique value every time it’s invoked, pretty much forever.
One minor disadvantage of sequence generated key values is that you cannot predict what they will be ahead of time.
This may be a bit of an issue if you need to provide traceability between an aggregated record and it’s component records, or if you want to update an existing aggregation in a table without recalculating it from scratch.
In such circumstances you may find yourself needing to write the key value back to the component records after generating the aggregation.
Even leaving aside the additional coding effort required, the write-back process may be quite time consuming.
This being the case, you may wish to consider an alternative to the sequence generated key value and instead, use a hashing algorithm to generate a unique key before creating the aggregation.

That’s your skeptical face.

You’re clearly going to take some convincing that this isn’t a completely bonkers idea.
Well, if you can bear with me, I’ll explain.
Specifically, what I’ll look at is :

  • using the STANDARD_HASH function to generate a unique key
  • the chances of the same hash being generated for different values
  • before you rush out to buy a lottery ticket ( part one) – null values
  • before you rush out to buy a lottery ticket (part two) – date formats
  • before you rush out to buy a lottery ticket (part three) – synching the hash function inputs with the aggregation’s group by
  • a comparison between the Hashing methods that can be used with STANDARD_HASH

Just before we dive in, I should mention Dani Schnider’s comprehensive article on this topic, which you can find here.

Continue reading “Using STANDARD_HASH to generate synthetic key values”

Dr Who and Oracle SQL Pivot

Dr Who recently celebrated it’s 60th Anniversary and the BBC marked the occasion by making all episodes since 1963 available to stream.
This has given me the opportunity to relive those happy childhood Saturday afternoons spent cowering behind the sofa watching Tom Baker
take on the most fiendish adversaries that the Costume department could conjure up in the days before CGI.
Like the Doctor, I too am I time traveller. OK, so I can only move forwards through time, but I do have some knowledge of the future.
For example, present me knows that future me is an idiot who will undoubtedly forget of the syntax for the Pivot command in Oracle SQL next time he wants to pivot some VARCHAR2 columns.
So if you are future me, this is for you. You owe me a drink…

Continue reading “Dr Who and Oracle SQL Pivot”

Installing a Gnome Desktop Extension in Ubuntu

To distract myself from England’s ongoing woes at the Cricket World Cup, I’ve been playing the simple-yet-addictive London Tube Map Memory Game .
Having not taken the tube for a few years now, it’s proving something of a challenge.
It doesn’t help that they’ve added quite a few stations recently.
Another test of my memory occurs on those rare occasions where I want to terminate a frozen window on my Gnome desktop.
There’s an excellent utility called xkill which does the job…and which I can never remember the name of !
Fortunately there is a Gnome Shell Extension which will add an icon to the gnome-panel at the top of the screen so
it’s only a mouse-click away…

Continue reading “Installing a Gnome Desktop Extension in Ubuntu”

Cut-and-Paste-Driven-Development – Using utPLSQL to build a test harness in Oracle.

If you’re working on a Decision Support System (DSS) then sooner or later you’re likely to need to create or change a package which runs as part of a lengthy batch process.
In such cirumstances, it would be useful to have a good old-fashioned test harness to run your code so you can test it’s functionality without having to kick off the entire batch.

Fortunately, utPLSQL is not just useful when it comes to TDD, CI/CD pipelines and the like. It can easily be used for the purpose of creating a simple stand-alone unit test for a single package.

Having used utPLSQL for this purpose quite regularly, I’ve found that my test harnesses tend to follow the same basic pattern.
What follows is a walkthrough of a typical utPLSQL package I might construct for this purpose.

Obviously, it won’t be to everyone’s taste but hopefully, you’ll find something of use in it.

If you’re interested, you can find the code in this Github Repo.

Continue reading “Cut-and-Paste-Driven-Development – Using utPLSQL to build a test harness in Oracle.”

A Performance Comparison between Oracle’s REGEXP_SUBSTR and SUBSTR functions

Oracle SQL offers support for POSIX regular expressions by means of a suite of native functions.

Darth Sidious, light-saber in hand, imparting ancient Sith wisdom regarding regular expressions.
Regular Expressions are a pathway to many abilities that some consider…unnatural.

Whilst providing the ability for complex search conditions that regular expressions offer, REGEXP_SUBSTR has acquired a reputation for being a fair bit slower when compared to the standard SUBSTR function.

What I’m going to demonstrate here is :

  • how SUBSTR seems generally to be faster than REGEXP_SUBSTR
  • how the performance of REGEXP_SUBSTR can improve dramatically when used with INSTR
  • REGEXP_SUBSTR performs better when it matches the start of a string

To start with though, well discover why you’ll never see a Sith Lord on Sesame Street ( hint : it’s the way they count in a Galaxy Far, Far Away)…

Continue reading “A Performance Comparison between Oracle’s REGEXP_SUBSTR and SUBSTR functions”

Things that make you go VAAARRRGGGHHHH ! – ORA-38104 in a Stored Program Unit

I do have some empathy with Lauren James getting quite cross at work.
OK, it’s not as pressurised as striving to reach a World Cup Quarter Final, but I am known to become somewhat annoyed when Oracle presents me with :

ORA-38104: Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated

The error itself is reasonable enough. The thing is though, that the offending merge statement will not trigger a compile-time error if it’s in a Stored Program Unit. Oh no.
Instead, Oracle will let you carry on in blissful ignorance and only give you the bad news at runtime…

Continue reading “Things that make you go VAAARRRGGGHHHH ! – ORA-38104 in a Stored Program Unit”